Test Device Registration Connectivity

The Hybrid device is being registered to Azure AD under the system context, the first step is to make sure that the device is able to communicate with Azure AD device registration endpoints under the system account. Here we need to use Test Device Registration Connectivity script.
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Hybrid Azure AD Joined Devices Health Checker

Coming from the fact that it does not mean that the hybrid device is in health state just by checking the output of “dsregcmd /status” command from the device itself. Also, it does not mean that the hybrid device is in health state by checking only the device in Azure AD devices blade.
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Device Registration SCP Tool

I have written this PowerShell script to automate resolving Device Registration Service Connection Point (SCP) creation and configuration issues while configuring Hybrid Azure Active Directory Joined devices. The script verifies all needed prerequisites to install SCP, installs the missing ones, then, it creates SCP. Also, this PowerShell fixes the common issues that may occur when creating SCP.
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