Device Registration SCP Tool

I have written this PowerShell script to automate resolving Device Registration Service Connection Point (SCP) creation and configuration issues while configuring Hybrid Azure Active Directory Joined devices. The script verifies all needed prerequisites to install SCP, installs the missing ones, then, it creates SCP. Also, this PowerShell fixes the common issues that may occur when creating SCP.

This script will save the time when troubleshooting and configuring the SCP. All you need is to run the script and enter the Global Admin (GA) credentials and it will do all stuff on behalf of you.

What does this PowerShell script do?
1. Checks if Service Connection Point (SCP) is configured. If yes, it shows the current configuration.
2. If SCP not created, the script requests the user consent to create and configure SCP.
3. Checks if the server is AAD Connect server.
4. Checks if ‘ActiveDirectory’ module is installed. If not, it will install and import it.
5. Checks the Internet connectivity.
6. Checks if ‘MSOnline’ module is installed. If not, it will install and import it.
7. Checks and fixes dsacls files issue.
8. Checks Global Admin credentials. If it passed, SCP will configure. Otherwise the whole operation will be aborted.
9. Creates/Configures the service Connection Point (SCP) and shows the configuration if all above succeeded.


Note: you can run this PowerShell on any Windows 10 device to retrieve SCP discovery values from on-premises Active Directory if is already configured.

You can always download the updated version directly from the link:


User experience:
– If the server is not AAD Connect server:

– If ActiveDirectory module is not installed:

– If Service Connection Point (SCP) configured successfully:

– If SCP not created:

– If there is no Internet connectivity:

– If SCP not configured and the user didn’t accept to configure SCP:

– If GA credentials not correct:

– Creating SCP steps after fixing ‘dsacls.exe’ and ‘dsacls.exe.mui’ issues:

– Creating SCP steps: