Event ID 1196 and 1579, Failover Cluster error on Exchange Servers DAG

Event ID 1579: Cluster network name resource ‘Cluster Name’ failed to update the DNS record for name “DAG DNS Name (DAG.contoso.com)” over adapter ‘MAPI Network’. The error code was ‘DNS operation refused. (9005)’. Ensure that a DNS server is accessible from this cluster node and contact your DNS server administrator to verify the cluster identity can update the DNS record “DAG DNS Name (DAG.contoso.com).


The cluster name resource which has been added to the DNS prior to setup active passive cluster ( or any type) need to be updated by the Physical nodes on behalf of the resource record itself. When the active node owns the resources it want to update the A record in the DNS database and DNS record which was created won’t allow any authenticated user to update the DNS record with the same owner


Delete the existing A record for the cluster name and re-create it and make sure select the box says “Allow any authenticated user to update DNS record with the same owner name “Don’t worry about breaking anything , this has “ZERO” impact to cluster simply delete the A record and re-create as it is suggested here.